Web Application Testing

What is Web Application Testing

Web application testing focus on your web application to uncover potential bugs at early stage and to ensure improved user experience.



What we test

B2B systems

Complex CRM, ERP and EMS systems

Distributed systems


Desktop applications

Web and Mobile applications


How do we test


We evaluate if a web app works correctly according to the requirements

Usability Testing

We check if a web application is convenient, easy to use, and user-friendly

Integration Testing

We test integration between different parts of a web app and between a web application and third-party solutions

API Testing

We check whether a web app works correctly with third-party APIs. If a web application has its own API, we evaluate its work as well

Compatibility Testing

We check if a web application works correctly in different browsers, on different devices, and other platforms

Data Testing

We check if there are any issues with the data that are entered into and processed in a web application

Regression Testing

We check whether the recent bug fixes and changes in a web app caused any disruptions in its work

Automated Testing

We optimize the testing process with automation

End-to-End Testing

We evaluate the application end-to-end to verify its proper workflow

Security Testing

We check if a web application works correctly in different browsers, on different devices, and other platforms

Performance Testing

We assess a web app's performance (speed, load, resource consumption, etc.)



What we deliver

* Test plan and Test strategy
* Status reports
* Bug reports
* Test Summary Reports
* Recommendation for improvement